The Female Character Illustrated, in Tales and Sketches drawn from Real Life. By Piers Shafton, gent. Snatches from Oblivion, second edition.
The Legendary Cabinet; a Selection of British National Ballads, Ancient and Modern ; with Notes and Illustrations. By the Rev. J. D. Parry, M.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge.
Natural History of Enthusiasm. A new edition of Hood's Whims and Oddities, Second Series. Commentaries on the History, Constitution, and Chartered Franchises of the City of London. By George Newton, Esq. Advocate-General of Madras.
The second portion of the twenty-second volume of the Archwologia of the So- ciety of Antiquaries in the progress of printing, under the care of Mr. Henry Ellis, and may be expected by the members upon St. George's day next. Among the more curious articles which it contains, will be found a Fragment of a New Chronicle of the reign of King Edward III.—The drawings from the walls of the Painted Cham- ber, made for the Society by the late Mr. Charles Stothard, in 1820, are also, we un- derstand, in the hands of the engraver. Dr. Andrew fire has in the press a New system of Geology, in which the Great Revolutions of the Earth and Animated Nature are reconciled at once to Modern Science and Sacred History. The author has undertaken to solve, on the known laws of physics and chemistry, without invoking comets or any astronomical tic- thins to his aid, the various enigmas relative to the temperature of the antediluviais globe, and to the gradation of the organic remains of its successive strata, whioll. Copier, Humboldt, and other philosophers, have regarded as beyond the scope ot: science to explain.
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