The Price Of Grain Is Gradually Decreasing In Caen And
other places in France, in despite of the efforts of speculators to keep it up. The commercial inquiry ordered by the French Government pro- ceeds well ; and it is supposed that......
The Conspiracy In Colombia Has Been Attributed "partly To...
triguers from Spain ;' but little further is known about it. Be- sides Guerra and Padilla, Horment, who killed three of Bolivar's sentinels, a colonel, two lieutenants, and......
It Seems That The Black Republic Of Hayti Cannot Fulfil
the hard conditions which France imposed upon it as the price of freedom. The Blacks were to advance to the French Government, for the benefit of the old planters, six millions......
There Is A New Russian Bulletin, Containing A Somewhat...
account of the retreat of the armies from before Shumla and Si- listria. The movement from Shumla began on the 15th October, and continued for three days without any obstruction......
News Of The Week.
SomE sensation has been excited in Paris by the trial, on the 10th instant, of Beranger the poet, of whose suppressed songs we gave an account in the 17th Number of the......
The Expedition To Greece Is Calculated To Have Cost Already
fifty millions of francs, a part of which the Government will have to cover by a loan. To lessen the expense, and pave the way for the recall of the army, Colonel Fabvier is......
The Royalist Volunteers In Lisbon, It Would Appear, Have The
power of imprisonment in their own hands. In their indiscrimi- nating violence, they have arrested the Vice-Consul of Hamburg. This at least has not proved pleasant to Miguel ;......
Some Interesting Debates Lately Occurred In The Second...
the States General of the Netherlands, on the needless severity of the existing laws for repressing the licentiousness of the press. The object was to have these laws replaced......
The Contest For The Presidentship Of The United States Seems
to be at an end ; and the accession of General Jackson to that high honour appears certain. The votes are supposed to stand thus— Adams, 88 ; Jackson, 173. The Morning Chronicle......
It Appears By Private Notices From Brazil, That Don Pedro
was always averse to the appointment of Miguel as Regent of Portu- gal; though he at last acceded to the desire of Britain and Aus- tria,—a step which he now repents. According......