The Lord Bishop of Landaff has instituted the Rev. Roper Trevor Tylor , v.A. of University College, domestic chaplain to his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, to the Rectories of Blerthyrdovan and Winvve, Glamorganshire; pats' an, Robert Frets. Genner, Esq. Winvve Castle. The Rev. J. A. Park, M.A. of Balliol College (son of Judge Park), ta. the Rectory of Elsewich, Durham. The Rev. G. DI. Drummond, /3.A. of Balliol College, in this Uni versity, to the Pastoral Charge of the Congregation of St. Mark's Episcopal Chap el, Portobello. The Rev. G. Grant Broughton, M.A. of Pembroke College, Crantwidge, to the Archtleaconry of New South Wales, vacant by the retirement of the venerable J. H. Scott. The Rev. J. D. Hurst, B.A. to the Rectory of Clapton, with the Vicarage of Croy- don, Beds. The Rev. C. Tomlin to the Vicarage of Walcot near Falkingbaro, Lincolnshire; patron' Sir G, Heatheote Bart.
The Rev. T. Roberts, Of Tinwell, to the Rectory of St. Mary's Stamford.
His Grace the Duke of Newcastle has presented the Rev. Wm. Hett, DI.A.133vs, try, and of Jesus College, Cambridge, to the living of Elkesley, in the county of Nottingham. His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury has, without solicitation, presented the Rev. J. E. N. Moleswortb, many years curate of Millbrook, to the valuable living of Winksworth, in Derbyshire. His parishioners have handsomely subscribed up. wards of one hundred pounds for a piece of plate to be presented to the Rev. Mr. .DIolesworth, in remembrance of his devoted services during his curacy.—Salisliry Journal. The Rev. James F. Roberts, M.A. of Walthamstow, Essex, is appointed, by the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House, to the Chaplaincy of their Chapel at Mile End, London. On the 8th inst. the Rev. Robert Collyer, B.A. was collated to the Vicarage of Bersinghain, Norfolk, on the gift of the. Lord Bishop of Norwich, by reason of lapse,