POLICE OF LONDON. ATTEMPT AT MURDER:BCD/al/lin Barret, a master tailor,
at Greenwich, was on Thursday brought to Mary-le-bone office, charged with an attempt to murder a young woman of the name of Mortlocke the daughter of a green-grocer, residing in Salisbury-mews, Baker-street, by firing a pistol at her. It appeared that they were slightly acquainted, and that they had been walking together in Lower Spring-street: Mary-le-bone, at about ten o'clock on Wednesday night, when the prisoner turned round and fired the pistol at her. The young woman was severely wounded in the head, but has been declared out of danger. The prisoner yielded himself into the custody of a watchman ; and on his way to the watchhouse, said," I only hope I have done the deed effectually." He was remanded.
RODBErties.--Joseph Birnan and Esther Shaw were on Thursday committed for trial from Queen-square office, on the charge of having been concerned in the robbery of a gentleman's house at Uxbridge ; when property to the amount of 2001. was taken away.
Information was on Thursday given at Marlborough-street, that the resi- dence of Colonel Watley, at Watford, in Hertfordshire, had, ott the preceding night, been robbed of plate to the amount of 2001.
FORGERIES.—A man of fashionable appearance, who at first declined to give his simile, and afterwards called himself William Barton, has been twice examined at Marlborough-street, on a charge of uttering forged checks to the Secretaries of the King's College, Literary Fund Society, Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, Society for Building Churches and Chapels, and various other national institutions, besides private individuals. Mr. Snow, Secretary to the Literary Fund Society, stated that the prisoner had given him a cheek, drawn on Masterman and Co., for 101., as from Robert Grant, Esq. St. John's-road, Regent's Park, and said that he was authorized by Mr. Grant to present 51. as a donation to the Society. Mr. Snow ac- cepted the check, and gave the prisoner the balance. He had also presented a forged check signed " Alexander Hope," to Mr. Phippin, of the White Horse Cellar booking-office, in payment of two coach seats to Bath, and re-, ceived two sovereigns in change. The prisoner has been remanded.
NEW WAY OF PAYING OLD DEBTS.-A person named Leman was charged at Guildhall, on Tuesday, with having stolen 6101. from Soloman- Nathan, North-street, Commercial-road. Israel Nathan and his brother Soloman went to the prisoner's warehouse in Cheapside, and bargained for a quantity of silks to the value of 5001. Soloman said he bad not got quite enough money but he counted out 6101. The prisoner said, "Let me straighten your notes, and we'll call its Jens.' Three or four persons then rushed its, and pushed the brothers down stairs, and would not let theta have either the money or the goods. The money, it appeared, was handed over tv a Mr. Weakicy, who rebtiat.1 it in part payment of ass old debt due to him by She coMplajDanI. lvlr. 1\idernian Itrow.ti did ties Mink that any case of felony had been made slut, and dismissed the charge.
SHOT-Livrims.—Sarall Jones has been fully committed to Newgate for stealing, while she pretended to be examining for purchase goods displayed en the counters at the Bazaar in So! o_sqmire.
Rini rc.cei.tty to t!,rof lang1IngCS ;II i, !is.: eirieity applied at Ussireeisa11, ea
Tuesday, for warrants of assault against six of the scholars. From the state- ment of the applicant, it appeared that he had given great offence to the whole of the boys in the school, for having flogged a senior boy, who had miscouducted himself whilst attending divine service. Since he had observed this feeling against him in the school, the applicant had taken great care not to remain in the room without some of the other assistants or the master being present. The scholars, however, occasionally annoyed him ; and while giving instruction, an ink-stand or some other missile rattled about his ears. To discover the offenders was impossible, all the boys professing total igno- rance of them. A few days ago, the scholars were summoned to attend evening prayers in the school-room, and when they were ended, and the master had withdrawn, some of the boys managed to lock the French teacher up in the room. The moment this was accomplished, the lights were all extinguished, and a simultaneous attack was made on the unfortunate Frenchman, at whose head ink-stands, slates, books, and sundry other articles used in the school, were flung. The teacher now roared out as loud as he could for help, but his cries were not heard, and he jumped out of a window several feet from the ground. The applicant mentioned the names of six of the ringleaders in the affair, and summonses were issued against them.
PAUPERISM.—A painful case of destitution was on Tuesday brought under the notice of the Magistrate at Marlborough-street. It was an application by the Baroness d'Assig, with her three orphan children, all of very tender age, for parish relief from the authorities of St. George's, Hanover-square. There was no opposition whatever on the part of the parish to afford the mffisppy lady the relief she sought for, beyond the necessary legal form of having her sworn before a Magistrate, as to her claim to a settlement in that parish; and this form having been complied with, the overseers immediately undertook to provide sustenance for the wretched family. The husband of this destitute lady was Baron d'Assig, a very gallant officer belonging to the King's Gentian Legion, but who has recently died, leaving his widow and orphan infants without any other provision than the ahelter of a parish workhouse. THE PAVILION THEATRE.-"•For some nights past, the gas lighla in the gallery and the avenues leading to it have been suddenly extinguished ; an occurrence which, whilst it annoyed the audience, afforded every facility for the depredations of thieves. On Monday evening, a lad was caught in the act of turning one of the branch-cocks, which partially extinguished some of the lights. He was next day taken to Lambeth-street Police-office, and ordered to give bail to answer the charge at the Sessions. PoactsINo.—Smith and Bennett, who were found with same dead ehaa- sants in their possession, have been sent to the House of Correction for two months as poachers.
Ass AULTS.—Mr. Price, of Drury Lane Theatre, attended at Marlborough- street office on Wednesday, to answer the charge of assault brought against him by George Hutchins, his late servant. Mr. Price had been prevented by gout from attending earlier. Hutchins, on oath, repeated his story of last week, and was supported by the evidence of the housemaid. Mr. Price's statement, however, gave a very different complexion to the case. The com- plainant was evidently drunk while he waited at dinner, and was constantly blundering. Mr. Price was not only sober, but he had been particularly ab- stemious, drinking only a little sherry and water. He was so ill, too, from gout in his hand, that be could barely lift his wine-glass from the table ; was unable to offer Hutchins any manner of violence ; and, if they were his last words, he would declare that he was unable either to thrust a candle in his face, or strike hint with a poker : indeed, if he had been to get an empire for it, he was unable on that day, and for many days before, to lift one pound weight with either hand. Hutchins had become so unbearable, that he or- dered hint to be turned out of the house; and it was when Mr. Price followed him out of the room to give directions to that effect, that Hutchins seized him by the breast, and he being feeble, from gout, fell upon the stairs with the complainant above hint. These details were corroborated by Mr. Cooper, a man-servant, and two watchmen. The Magistrate expressed himself quite satisfied, discharged the warrant, and warned Hutchins at his peril not to annoy or molest Mr. Price, as he had done since he was dismissed his service. It appears that there is an order of the Honourable Society of Heathers of the Middle Temple to compel females passing through the courts and passages appertaining thereto, to draw off their patens in wet weather. A charge of assault arising out of an attempt to put this order in force, was brought by Chandler, who is Warden of the Middle Temple, against Mr. Izzard, a soli- citor. The defendant was, on Tuesday evening, in the New Court, with a lady under his arm, who was walking in pattens. Chandler called after the.lady, and told her she must take off her pattens. She did so, but the defendant said, " Pho, pho, it's d—d nonsense, put them on again, and never mind him." The lady accordingly put on her pattens, and witness ran after her and said, " I cannot suffer you to proceed with your pattens on." The de- fendant turned fiercely round, and after using some abusive language, collared the witness and struck him twice. Mr. Izzard's statement went to fix the assault rather on the complainant, and also imputed to him the use of coarse language towards the lady. He admitted that he had desired the lady to keep on her pattens, as he had never heard of the order under which Chandler pretended to act. A witness on each side spoke to the truth of the different statements ; and Mr. Izzard was bound in his own recognizance to answer the charge at the Sessions.
SEDUCTION.--William Browning, a man of independent fortune, was on Wednesday brought to Worship-street, under the horrible charge of having debauched some young girls a little beyond the years of infancy. The prin- cipal witness was only nine years of age. He was aided by a woman named Slidmore, who enticed the little girls, and gave them money. Both were held to heavy bail to answer the charge in another court. "It was shocking," said the magistrate, " to see innocent children swept away wholesale into infamy."
BODY STEALING.—North and Parrott have been charged at Lambeth-street, with stealing bodies from the churchyard of St. George's. They were seized in the act of opening a grave. In one sack was the body of a child; and they had other sacks, as though they had intended to take away several bodies. As the constables were taking them to prise% they were followed by an im- mense mob, who pelted them with filth and missiles of every description. They were sent to prison in default of bail.
Muaezn.—The villagers of Cheats, in Surrey, were on Friday evening agi- tated by the report of a murder having been committed in their neighbourhood. An individual who was passing, beard a noise in the house of Mr.Wittman, and soon after, that gentleman came out of the front door, and procestled to a neighbour's house, and exclaimed that he had murdered his wife„—adding that she had given him great provocation, and that he had shot her, His head
was bleeding profusely from two wounds, which he said his wife had inflicted with a poker, before he offered her any violence. Mr. Wittman urged those to whom he communicated the fatal transaction, to accompany him home; and having clone so, they found the woman lying dead on the kitchen floor. The upper part of her head was shattered as if from a gun-shot wound. The gun, it appears, was previously loaded ; and Mr. Wittman snatched it up in a mo- ment of passion, and discharged it at her head. The unhappy man resigned himself into the hands of a constable without hesitation. When the deed was done, there was no one in the house but his infant son, who is about six months old. The Coroner's inquest elicited no other facts,—except that the parties lived unhappily together; and Mr. Wittman was committed to Horsemonger- lane prison, on a verdict of wilful murder. He was once in the excise, and since lived upon his property.
Suicnnes.—Early on Saturday morning, as the coach from Bristol to Lon- don was entering Colebrook, Mr. Carden in a tit of phreusy, threw himself from the top, and was killed on the spot.
A poor man in Dundee determined the other day to drown himself in a draw-well; but before taking the fatal leap, he stripped himself naked. Being destined to it drier death, his feet stuck fast, in a crevice two feet under water, his body resting on the other side of the well. In this predicament he had time for reflection, and began to wish heartily, like Sterne's starling, to " be out." Relief suddenly appeared in the shape of a buxom red-armed serving wench, with a huge draw-bucket, ready to fall on his devoted head. "L--d sake, lassie, dima let fa' yere bucket, or ye'll spleet my skull," exclaimed the suicide. In a tiviekling the well was surrounded, and the man was pulled up.
A young woman last week hanged herself at Johnstone, a village near Glas- gow. She was, according to a foolish superstition, buried in the clothes in which she had committed suicide. Subsequently, a rumour arose that she had died by the violence of others, and that her body had been hung upon a tree in order to fix the guilt of her death upon herself. The body was disin- terred, and examined by surgeons; but there was no mark upon it which could justify the suspicions which had been raised.
On Tuesday afternoon, a man or respectable appearance called a coach off the stand in Oxford-street, and desired the coachman to drive to Regent's-park. In a few minutes afterwards, he shot himself through the head with a pistol. He was quite dead before he was taken to Middlesex Hospital.
On Tuesday evening, John Williams, who has for twenty years been in the employment of a mercantile house in Bread-street, cut his throat front car to ear, in his lodgings. He had been in a desponding state for some time; and as an antidote, he had latterly become addicted to the use of ardent spirits. A note to his employers was fonud beside him, in which was written- " Messrs. Newman, Hunt, and Co., Biased-street—My nerves are so shattered I cannot attend to business ; attach blame to no one—your indulgence has been great to me. JOHN WILLIAMS. May the Lord have mercy on my soul."
Ro nit a Rtes.—Early on Tuesday morning, sonic robbers succeeded in break- ing into the house of Mr. Gregorie, the resident Magistrate at Queen-square police-office. They rifled the house-keeper's desk, which was in the kitchen, of about 60/. in sovereigns and notes ; and carried off the whole of the plate in the pantry, and which was of considerable value. This dariug burglary, at the seat of justice, has excited great astonishment among the officers. The thieves made their exit at the street door.
Mr. Peel has taken a great, but hitherto unavailing, personal interest in the discovery of the recent depredators at the French Ambassador's. A Liege reward has been offered.
On Tuesday, Lord Spencer's agent, and his clerk, went to Wandsworth ft tr the purpose of receiving the rents of his Lordships tenants in that neighbour- hood. The rents were collected at the Spread Eagle Inn, in that town ; anti money to the amount of between 6001, and 7001., besides a great number of cheques on bankers in town, was deposited in a strong box used on former oc cesium:, and which was double locked. The business of the day being con- cluded, the individuals who received the money had some refreshment at the inn ; and while they were partaking of it one of the stages drew up to the dour, upon which the clerk carried the box containing the treasure, and placed it inside the vehicle, intending to take it to town. Having occasion to return into the inn, on subsequently stepping into the couch he olaerved the box, to all appearance the same that ho had previously placed there, and on his arrival in tons I conveyed it away to his residence, not for a moment suspecting that it was any other than the box which contained Lord Spencer's money. The following morn- ing, having occasion to open the box, his alarm was excessive, on finding no- thing inside of it but a bundle of rags ; and on close examination of the box, it was then discovered that it had been substituted for the real one; and bore so close a resemblance to it in shape, make, and colour, that the difference between the two was scarcely distinguishable. The following evening, it has been since ascertained, a woman left a bax at the Spread Eagle inn, Grace- church-street, addressed to the proprietor of the Spread Eagle, at Wands- worth ; and, on examination, it was discovered to be the one which had con- tained the money. The lock was broken, and the inside contained the checks, the thieves not having presented any of them for payment, and returned them, rather than run the risk of detection. The robbery still remains involved in mystery.
FALSE Accesame.—The Court-Martial held at Kilkenny, to try the Drum- major and the Schoolmaster-sergeant of the 32d regiment, for the aspersions which they attempted to cast on the character of Lieutenant-Colonel Mait- land, has pronounced these individuals guilty. They were sentenced to receive one thousand lashes each—a sentence which has been carried into execution.
Last week, a man and a woman in Liverpool fell victims to the vice of intoxication. The woman was found dead at the bottom of the stairs leading to her dwelling. The man was put to bed in a state of insensibility front spirits, and was next morning found dead.
The carpenter of a steam-boat trading from Liverpool to Ireland, has been fined 1001. for smuggling whisky to England. A fellow named Mat Metcalf, a pilot, threw a woman into the Wear, at Monk wearmouth, on Saturday evening last, because she resisted some liber- ties he took with her in crossing the river in the ferry-boat. The current was running very strong at the time, and she was with difficulty saved. Ti.,: inhuman wretch walked off apparently unconcerned. A few days since a farmer occupying his own estate, within five miies of South Petherton, was caught carrying away his applea is the night, before they had been legally set forth and tithed. The fanner, dreading an Eache- quer process, was anxious to compromise the matter : the stun of SOL was de- manded by the Proctor, and immediately paid. The farmer was offered the tithes of his farm sonic time since, by paying a composition of Da per annum,—Sherhorne Journal. John Drew, of Chippenham, labourer, has again been committed to the Old Bridewell, Devizes, for want of sureties to keep the peace towatds his mother ! This is the same fellow who was tried at the last Warminster sessions for breaking his mother's arm with a poker, and acquitted, not for want of evi- dence, but because the jury wisely thought the mother summut in the wrong too.—Devizes Gazette.
A private of the 5th Dragoons, named Kennedy, has been committed to Dorchester gaol for shooting the Rev. H. Willoughby. He is supposed to have mistaken Mr. Willoughby for an officer against whom he had vowed re- venge.
On Friday, at mid-day, a ball was fired into the Newcastle Police-office, it is supposed with the intention to assassinate the Superintendent. The ball penetrated a square of glass, and struck the opposite wall.
RIDING ON THE Wm.—Our hardy ancestors were content to rest their sitting parts on stout planks of oak or yew. Luxury invented cushions of wool, hair, alva marina, &c.; but it was reserved for the last stage of modern refinement to stuff chair-bottoms with air. Compared with these newly-dis- covered seats,* the softest down must be thorny. The occupant of a car- riage, with one of these novelties placed beneath him, might be said to rival Boreas in his rides.
e Patent air-cushions, for chairs, sofas, kke. to be seen in the fashionable uphol- sterers' shops.
A LITTLE LEARNING.—A Cockney exported himself, in August laq, per steamboat Columbine, to Calais, for a whole day, under the impression that a dip in the French might be superior to one in the Margate sea. He proceeded to the harbour, and to show his proficiency in the Gallic language, inquired (as he thought) if he could bathe there ? but, by an unlucky substitution of baleine for Lair:, his question was, " Can I catch a whale here ?" Explana- tions followed, and even the French politeness was forced to give way to Ha- t ural laughter.
FRENCH MILITARY MANNEItS.—The condescending behaviour of Bona- parte's officers to their comrades in inferior stations is well known. A gentle- man who was shortly after the restoration proceeding from Paris to the coast, relates the following anecdote. The diligence stopped at Beauvais for its in- mates to dine. An exterior inmate (if the bull may be allowed), perceiving by his decorations that one of the interiors was an officer of rank, modestly made him a military salute, and prepared to withdraw.—" Stop, my friend," said the General, taking him by the arm ; " be seated : here we are equals" The General during dinner asked the other where he was going.—" To Abbe- ville, mon General, to join my regiment as a trumpeter."—" Good," replied the officer ; " I too am going there, to take the command of the garrison." It would show little knowledge of French vanity to suppose that the trumpeter, on his arrival at Abbeville, did not sound forth his good fortune in having been invited to dine with the new Commandant—who, on his part, had pur- chased fame at the cheap rate of paying for the trumpeter's dinner. DOMESTIC NOTICES or THE DUTCH.—A Dutch newspaper is a very curious illustration of Dutch character. It is about two-thirds full of advertisements, of which the following are a few examples from a single paper. . Marriages oc- cupy a considerable space : some are simple announcements, others are a flourish on the part of the espoused :—" To their friends and acquaintances— we, the undersigned, are married." Then come the advices of births ; most of which tell the world that the lady has been brought to bed of "a weleshaped"' child. Of these all are signed by the husband, and they sometimee,, pour out a flood of affection on the lady. by the announcements of deaths are the most remarkable : some of them you shall hear:—" To-day departed, after a sick- ness of ten days, my beloved wife. She has left me and her gray-haired mother in a state of despair. Weep with us all who knew her—weep with my chit- siren. They have yet to learn their loss, which they will learn too soon." Another, " My deeply-loved wife died yesterday. She has left me a pledge of love only three weeks old. Bitter is my sorrow." Again, " In my old age sorrow has overtaken me. Yesterday evening my daughter died, aged seven- and-lefty years. Those who knew her will know my grief, and those, too, who knew what she was to me. In the comforts of religion I put my trust." Again, "Our brave son is dead. He departed this life at —" Yet once more, " Our brave daughter is no more. She died last night, aged only twenty. What parents feel, who in ,two-and-twenty weeks have lost their only son and their only daughter, cannot be told by words. Friends of humanity ! trouble us not with your consolations, but shed a tear with us in sympathy." " After a sickness of a few days, my beloved husband died to-day. Deeply afflicted with my six children, 1 repose in the hope of his resurrection, and I beg to recommend myself for the sale of coffee, tea, and such matters, to the general satisfaction."
THREATENED FAMILY DISCLOSURES.--111 reference to the trial in the Court of Common Pleas, last week, in which Lieutenant-General Blaquiere was the defendant, he has published an advertisement in the Times, entreating the public to suspend their judgment on the family quarrels then disclosed. The statement of the witness, as to his conduct to Lady Harriet, he could have refuted at the trial, if he had not been taken by surprise. The General was separated from his wife in 1814; and he could not have thought such charges would have been brought against him in 1828. In vindication of his character, the General is to publish the letters of Lady Harriet, her mother, and her sisters ; and he is also to make it appear to the public what the income of Lady Harriet actually is.
HEATON de CRESPIGNY.—A correspondent in the Times, under the sign a ture of Camillus, extenuates the conduct of this gentleman in sending the threatening letter to Lord Plymouth, on the plea of insanity. The writer has seen the letter, and he seems intimate with the family. He says, " more judi- cious members of the reverend gentleman's family; and even many of your readers, who examined the correspondence that some time since appeared in connexion with Mr. Long Wellesley, must doubtless have attributed Mr. De Crespigny's conduct to a morbid state of his mind ;—a fact, which for more than a year past has been apparent to those who have had constant opportu- nities of watching his behaviour. Painful as is the alternative to acknowledge either the unfortunate gentleman's derangement, or a guilty intention, as caus- ing the letter that has led to his committal, 1 am driven by indisputable evi- dence, now lying before me, to adopt the former, and to claim the sympathies of your readers for his present distressing cennition, rather than that they should for one moment believe him legally answerable for his conduct." Ef- forts are now making for his release ; and it is hoped that his conduct will have the effect of placing him under a system of judicious treatment.
CHURCHES AND CORN-LAWS.—A clergyman in the neighbourhood of Debenhams two or three Sundays ago, observed to the parishioners, pre. viously to the commencement of divine service, that he had the King's letter to read the after prayers. One farmer replied, that he would not subscrilse a farthing ; for where Government went for foreign corn, there it might go for money to build churches.—Sedrolk Chronicle. NEW SECT OF CHRISTIANS.—A correspondent at Grassington, in Craven, says that a new sect has sprung up at that place, the professors of which style themselves Nazarene Cariates. The chief tenet of this sect, founded by a Mr. Gams, is, that all religious assemblies are unlawful except they be held in barns, alleging our Lord to have been born in pne.—Morning Journal. On Sunday evening, as the Rev. Mr. Irving was preaching to a very full congregation, from the 23d chapter of Matthew, lie was interrupted by a stranger, who cried out in a loud voice, to a proposition which the rev. gentleman had laid down, affirmative of the sudden conversion of sinners, "I deny that." The preacher paused a moment, and the stranger repeated the words. Mr. Irving, in a mild tone of voice, then said, " Let not one daring man disturb the worship of God." An attempt was made by some persons near to remove the intruder, and a good deal of bustle was perceptible in that part of the place of worship where the individual alluded to was sitting. Mr. Irving, in an authoritative manner, said, "Let the man sit down," and he pro- ceeded with his discourse.
MINTON'S PROPERTY.--The moveable property which belonged to Hun- ton was sold on Tuesday, and brought nearly 20001. No members of Hun- ton's family were purchasers. It was communicated to Mrs. Hunton, by the assignees, that any particular articles the family might wish to keep, they were at liberty to take ; but she refused to accept the most trifling thing; she even delivered up some articles of wearing apparel, which the assignees neither re- quired nor expected, and sent them back. Mrs. Hunton, however, refused to take them ; and said, if there was anything left, after the creditors were paid in full, she would accept of it, but not before.
The sentence of death passed upon Peter Fenn, for forgery, has been com- muted to transportation for life.
GAMBLING-HOUSE.—The house in Pali Mall, which formed the temporary Hell, while the larger one in St. James's-street was erecting, has lately been taken by a gang of blacklegs for the fraudulent purposes of French hazard. FORGED Nores.—A mercantile establishment at Portsmouth, in the course of business, received a 51. note from the Bank of England, stamped as forged; but, relying upon the correctness of their own judgment, they sent it back to the Bank, persisting that it was a good and valid note. The Bank thereupon replied—" On re-inspection, it appears to be a genuine note, and therefore I enclose you one of the like value. This unfortunate mistake and oversight arose out of the hurry and multiplicity of business."—Standard.
Hops imported from Van Dieman's Land arc of so superior a quality as to have sold for 8s. a pound.
UNREQUITED SERV/CE.—An elderly man, of mean appearance, who said his name was Rackett, came before the Magistrates of Chester last week, and intimated that he was forced by hard necessity to come to swear his settle- ment. He stated that he was sixty-eight years of age. He entered the navy at the age of sixteen, in the capacity of midshipman, served in America throughout all the last war, and was reduced at the peace of 1814, after having served thirty-eight years without promotion. Being only a petty officer he was not entitled to any half-pay, so that he was absolutely worse off than a man before the mast. A brother, who was also in the navy, perished in Alex- andria. He proved his settlement to be in Newton, a township adjoining Chester, where he was born, and his father formerly occupied considerable property. He, together with his wife and two children, were committed to the care of the overseer. Besides the hardship of this poor man's case, it is further worthy of' remark that he is great nephew of Alexander Pope. Ax ENGLISH Vieoce.—Janies Hawkins, a convict, succeeded in escaping from the Mellish convict ship on the 8th instant. In 1821, Hawkins was transported for life, and arrived at Sydney in December of that year ; he escaped in 1824, and arrived in England in the following year. In 18'26, lie was apprehended, tried, and again sent to New South Wales; and again escaped. In October 1827, he was again apprehended in London, tried, and convicted, and a third time sentenced to transportation); but contrived to escape from the caravan which was conveying him from Newgate to the hulke. He was retaken in August last, and again sentenced to transportation, and sent on board the Retribution hulk. On the 21st of November, he was embarked in the Mellish upon the voyage to Sydney. The Mellish sailed ; and about dusk on the evening of the 8th instant, as the vessel was passing through the Needles, he slipped his irons, and lowering himself from a port- hole, cut away the hawser of a small boat, and rowed ashore to the .Isle of Wight. The beet and himself were soon missed, and an immediate search was made through the Isle of Wight, but he was not found. Ile ascribed his repeated and daring escapes not to self-love, the vulgar moving power, but to a dealing fondness for his wife.
Last week a faithful couple, not a very great distance from Kearsley Moor
were married at Dean church. About ten minutes after the marriage, the bride was delivered of a fine child; and in about two hours the core monies of marriage, birth, and baptism, were performed.—Bolton Chronicle A considerable number of Roman coins, silver and capper, and hearingth4 effigies of Julius and Augustus Caesar, were recently dug up in the neigh'. bourhood of Huddersfield.
The King has ordered his carpets for Windsor Castle fromthe manuf tories of Axminster.
Mr. Kean appeared on Monday for the first time as Virginius, in thet r gedy of that name. It is apart which has been long played by Mr. Macready, who, together with Miss Foote, procured for the play a run which its intrnsic merit could never have entitled it to. Mr. Kean, we think, has not been well advised to enter upon a character which is evidently unfit for him. Those parts of the play which are good are too few for the display of pewers of which he is master almost exclusively among modern actors ; while the atter, the larger portion of it, require qualifications which he does not possess A comparison between him and Mr. Macready is nearly the last thing we should have dreamt of, although we are not insensible to the merits of the latter; but here it is unavoidable, and the result is, upon the whole, in favour of the original performer of the part.—Thnes. SHOWERS or ICE.—A remarkable shower of ice fell on the 8th and 9th of November last, at the forest of Perseigne (Sarthe). Althougie tae tempera- ture of the air was above the freezing-point, every drop as it fell was cone gealed into ice ; and the accumulation became so great on the branches of the trees, that, on a violent wind arising, it acted with such force against the bent down trees, that thirty thousand of them were blown up by the routs Anuther :hewer of a similar kind fell at Chaumont un the 13Sne French Paper.
The Marquis of Northampton is in Palermo; he is to pass the winter in Sicily. The Earl of Shrewsbury is in Rome. The Duke of Norfolk is seriously indisposed, at his seat, Fornham, Suffolk. Mr. Hunt has started a Matchless Blacking-van in Paris, and quite astonished the Parisian's.
Sir John Colborne, the new Lieutenant.Governor of Upper Canada, arrived at York on the 4th November, and had entered on his duties.
Sir P. Maitland, Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, had been in danger of being drowned close to Kingston Mills,—his canoe having run foul of a log of wood ; but another being at hand, all were saved.
Radama, King of Madagascar, died on the 27th of July last. During Sir Robert Farquhar's government of the Mauritius, and about the year 1820, a treaty was concluded with this chief, which had been projected and partially executed in 1817, by Sir R. Farquhar, for preventing the exportation of slaves from Madagascar; the object being to force the French and other nations to the abolition of this infamous traffic in that part of the world, by cutting off their principal supply. This treaty has been religioriely observed, it is said, from the time of its execution up to the period of Radama's death. One of his wives has assumed the government.
SLAVE TRADE—A New York paper says that there are no fewer than fifty vessels belonging to the port of Havannah, now on the coast of Africa after slaves.
TURKISH VENCEANCE.---We learn from a source of undoubted authority, that a circumstance of the most painful description has just occurred in Tur- key to two young Englishmen, of noble family, whose names for obvious reasons we suppress. By way of frolic, it is supposed, they had most impru- dently got admission into a harem, a feat of which few Europeans can boast ; but icing quickly discovered, the .fearful option was offered to them of swal- lowing poison, or submitting to a horrible operation. One chose the former, and harem: sentliowed the deadly contents of a cup, instantly dropped down dead. The other having less nerve, took the other alternative, and accordingly underwent the operation, after which he was turned out, the Mussulmans hav- ing in addition slit his nose and cut off his ears. When the accounts left Turkey he was lying in a most deplorable condition ; and his death was hour- ly expected.-11rVtion Gazette.
PUNISIINIF.NT OF A BLASPHEMER.—The magistrate of a little village in the marquisate of Brandenburgh, committed a burgher to prison, who was charged with having blasphemed God, the King, and the Magistrate. The Burgomaster reported the same to the King, in order to know what punishment such a criminal deserved. The following sentence was written by his Majesty in the margin of the report :—" That the prisoner has blasphemed God, is a sure proof that he does not know him that he has blasphemed me I willingly for- give ; but, for his blaspheming the Magistrate, he shall be punished in an exemplary manner, and committed to prison for half an hour."
The Common Council of New York have appropriated 500 dollars to the relief of Joseph Lancaster.
A letter from Van Dieman's Lend, dated the 19th of June, from Hobart Tievn, says that it was then only mid-winter there; and so cold that the writer o.- obliged to keep blowing his fingers to enable them to perform the task of writing.