20 DECEMBER 1890, Page 14



SIR,—In the chapter of " Lord Melbourne's Letters," from. which most of the anecdotes as to his exercise of patronage,. given in your long extract from Mr. Dunckley's Life of him are drawn, there is a fact mentioned which may interest both you and your readers. In connection with his appointment of Dr. Hampden to the Regius Professorship of Divinity at Oxford, is given a letter to Dr. Whately, then Archbishop of Dublin, consulting him as to the appointment, and enclosing a list which the Archbishop of Canterbury had sent him of persons at Oxford whom he considered suitable. The first name is that of Dr. Posey, and among the others are both Mr._ Keble and Mr. Newman, of Oriel.

I drew Dr. Liddon's attention to it, and received his- acknowledgment, and his recognition of its interest in reference to the Life of Dr. Posey, in a letter written but a few days before the beginning of his last illness. Your quotation from Mr. Dunckley's Life of Lord Melbourne has recalled it to my memory, and it occurs to me that it is at least as interesting in reference to the Life of Cardinal Newman as in relation to the life of Dr. Pusey ; at all events, that many of your readers will be glad to have their attention