20 DECEMBER 1890, page 3

In Lord Tollemache, Who Died At Helmingham On December Vth,

the nation loses a country gentleman of the best type. His wonderful success in providing the labourers on his estates with allotments, gardens, and cow-runs has often been......

The Libel Action Brought By Mr. Marks, The Editor And

pro- prietor of the Financial News, against Mr. Butterfield, which has occupied the Recorder's Court for the past week, ended on Wednesday in a verdict of " Not guilty." Mr.......

On Thursday, The Reichsanzeiger Published The Full Text...

German Emperor's speech at the Education Conference. It contains some very characteristic utterances. " We find our- selves," said the Emperor, "at the turning-point of a......

On Saturday Last, The 8clair Published An Article By M.

Labruyere, a well-known French journalist, describing how he helped Padlewski, the murderer of General Seliverstoff, to escape. M. Labruyere was breakfasting with Madame......

The Trial Of Michel Eyraud And Gabrielle Bompard For The

murder of Gouffe, the process-server, which began at the Seine Assizes on Tuesday, is attracting a great deal of attention in France,—the Judge receiving as many as five......

Bank Bate, 5 Per Cent. New Consols (21) Were On

Friday 95; to 95.......

On Wednesday, The British North Borneo Company Held Its...

half-yearly meeting at the City Terminus Hotel, when the Deputy-Chairman, Admiral Mayne, M.P., was able to point to a considerable amount of progress in regard to the......

The Famous Indian Chief, Or Rather Medicine-man, "...

was killed on Monday during an attempt made by the police to secure his arrest, a step necessitated by the news that he contemplated flight. " The police, having arrested 4......

The Bishop Of Lincoln Has Written A Short Letter To

his clergy, announcing his intention to discontinue at once all the practices of which the Archbishop of Canterbury, in his judgment, has disapproved, and expressing his......