Sir Henry James made an admirable speech at the Union
Club on Tuesday, in proposing the health of the guest of the- evening, Mr. J. A. Fronde. He pointed out that only a few weeks ago, an ambassador had been sent to Mr. Parnell to propose that in case of the return of Mr. Gladstone to power, Mr. Parnell should become the Secretary of State for Ireland, so that the destinies of every one of his political opponents would have been placed in his hands. If it was replied that no such offer had really been made, that only an inquiry had been addressed to him whether he would accept such a post, Sir Henry ventured to suggest to every young gentleman present that if he should think it right to ask any young lady whether she would become his wife, that inquiry " would probably be regarded as a proposal." And we had only been saved by the sturdiness of the Liberal Unionists from the fate that would have fallen upon Ireland if Mr. Gladstone had had his. way.