Short Biographies for the People. By Various Writers. (Reli- gious
Tract Society.)—This is the seventh volume of a series of which we have on several previous occasions spoken with well- deserved praise. The subjects of the twelve biographies are Abraham Lincoln, Waldo (the life written by the Rev. E. Combo, D.D.), Simeon, Sir E. Parry, Dr. Edmund Calamy, Archbishop Ussher, Dr. J. Abercrombie, Archbishop Whately, Dr. James Hamilton, Sir James Simpson, George Wishart, and Dr. Moffat. —With this may be mentioned a volume of biographical in- terest, Sketches of the Quiet in the Land, by Frances Bevan (John. F. Shaw and Co.) The subjects of these sketches are the eminent pietistic teachers who sought to revive German Protestantism in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.