20 DECEMBER 1890, Page 27

The Post-Office London Directory for 1891. The ninety-second annual publication.

(Kelly and Co.)—A commendable feature in connection with the latest issue of this compact and useful business compendium is the fact that the enterprising pub- lishers have reduced the price to subscribers from 32s. 6d. to 25s., and to non-subscribers from 40s. to 32s. It is also tho intention of the publishers to issue annually, as soon after the publication of the London Directory as possible, an adjunct in the shape of the " Merchants', Manufacturers', and Shippers' Directory," which will contain the names of tho leading mer- chants and manufacturers of the provinces and the principal trading centres of the world. The " new trades " added this year number 133. The map has been enlarged, printed on linen, on the scale of four inches to the mile, and the distances from point to point in the area it embraces can be readily calculated. A careful test proves the Directory to be as accurate in all its divisions as it would seem possible for such a compilation to be.