20 DECEMBER 1924, Page 14


[To the Editor of the SrEcrAroa.] Sin,—It is proposed to commemorate the life and work of the late Dean of Carlisle by a public memorial in that diocese. For this purpose a large and fully representative committee has been appointed with the Bishop of Carlisle as chairman, and an appeal for support has been circulated in the Diocese of Carlisle. As it is felt, however, that many friends of Dr. Rashdall, and also other admirers of his great work alike as historian, philosopher and theologian, will be glad to associate themselves -with such an object, I trust that through the medium of the Spectator it may be given a wider publicity. The form the memorial is to take will be best indicated by an extract from the appeal. It is proposed that" a scholarship or scholarships be founded to enable students of either sex, who have already obtained a Scholarship at the University of Oxford, to avail themselves of such an opportunity. Many students who are able enough to obtain a Scholarship at an Oxford College discover that, without further assistance, they are unable to proceed to the University." It was further sug- gested that a fund to be used in this way to assist students of proved ability would worthily commemorate, not only Dean Rashdall's keen interest in education in all its branches, but his special sympathy with undergraduates of all classes, more particularly of the University of Oxford, of which he was so distinguished a member, and for so many years a tutor. It is intended that if such a fund should be raised it should be administered by trustees, to be appointed at a later date ; and that, while the trustees should not be hampered unduly by any rigid conditions, they should take into consideration in making awards, not only educational fitness, but such qualifications as birth or residence in the diocese, and more especially the fact that the applicant has been educated for some years at one of the secondary schools in the diocese."

Cheques should be sent to the hon. treasurer, Mr. Trevor B. Jones, Midland Bank, English Street, Carlisle, and crossed " Rashdall Memorial Fund."—! am, Sir, &c.,