News Of The Week
ix. STRONG resolve that something large shall be done about housing, and shall be done quickly, is evident in both the Government and the public. The popular Press has taken up......
For The Rest, He Stated That Under His 1923 Housing
Act 53,535 houses had been approved for erection by local authorities, and 116,158 by private enterprise. In the twelve months ending September 30th 110,000 houses had been......
Editorial And Publishing Offices: 13 York Street, Covent...
W.C. 2. A SURSCRIPH1ON to THE SPECTATOR Costs Thirty Shillin g s per annum, including posta g e to any part of the world. The Posta g e on this issue is: INLAND, Id. ; FOREIGN,......
Mr. Chamberlain, Describing His Visit Last Week To...
he inspected Lord Weir's new form of house, said that "steel house" was really a misnomer. The houses are composed of wooden frames lined with steel outside, and inside there is......
The Debate On Tuesday Was Opened By Mr. Wheatley, The
ex-Minister of Health, who moved an amendment regretting that the Government were leaving the solution of the housing problem mainly to private enterprise and to occupying.......
Christmas Week The Next Issue Of The Spectator Will Be
on sale on WEDNESDAY MORNING, the 24th &1St., instead of on Friday as is usual.......