There seems to have been another and obscure change in
the situation in China. It *ill be remembered that the defection of the Christian General Feng ruined the cause of General Wu Pei-fu, who, up to a few months ago, was dominant and allowed his great rival, Chang Tso-lin, to become the biggest man in China. Now in the natural sequence of things Chang Tso-lin and Feng appear to have quarrelled. They have not, however, openly attacked each other, but "a new Government has been formed," and Chang Tso-lin is apparently engaged in replacing the Tuchuns who are unfavourable to him with his own nominees. The Powers have once again recognized the new Government, and that is really all that can be said with any certainty about the new situation, except that on all sides reports are received that at last a real force of public opinion in favour of peace and unity is growing up.