[A Book Token for one guinea will be azzarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, December 31st. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a aid. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The saint:an and the name of the winner will be published in the f elle:ring issue.] 22 24 25
27 20 2/
Nair /6
to. Dickens's tobacco. (5.) it. To be or not to be, that is the ques- 12. White bruin. (5, 4-) 13. A little work in E. (5.) 54. " The - and the shouting dies " 16. County with literary associations. (8.) 18. " Take - by the hand, and make
x. It seems to be the answer to the loose-leaf problem. (it.)
tion (of the hour). (3, 2, 4.) the bounds of freedom wider yet" (Kipling). (6.) (Tennyson). (8.) ACROSS
20. Fair source of revenue. (6.) P .14, Y I PI a'"1" HE 1 P E 23. The ocean prophetically apostro- P R R A re. phized. (5.) 24. What a game it is! (9.) cif : Pi i ;C le 74[1 o!Es 26. If he did put it in it, would it be cx Age A 411i P ri 27. East by way of North and so find it. F mi.p E R T
28. He bears hard (anag.). (1r.) Ipii:CIWRIE.._
2. Tempestuous spirit, so to speak. (5.)
3. Loiters here, perhaps. (7.) 0 0 E 4. He charged a rose with a message. lElo!EILIL■I'ICR (6.) I AIS Z E 5. Bury a king upside-down. (8.) iA'LlAITIE1 ga U 6. Minced moorhen. (7.)
7. Owing to the passage of time zero 1.4.1021111E C S hour does not. (4. 2, 7.) uq'41511:z Ei w E
8. Redbreast junior. (8.) 17. Evidently the girl is no rolling stone. 15. Needlework was frequently against
21. " Hang there, my verse, in - of
22. Chattered. (6.) 19. Bird on the water in Wales. (7.) 25. Kingsley's sweep looks so singular.
9. Was it Ma. Malaprop who said
(8.) sweet were its uses ? (13.) this oil. (8.)
my love " (Shakespeare). (7.)