20 DECEMBER 1946, page 20
The Rev. Gilbert White
White of Selborne and His Times. By Walter S. Scott. (West- house. 21s.) THIS is a book about the man. It is a close-up portrait, built up patiently by a biographer who must......
Jews And The Modern World
The Emergence of the Jewish Problem, 1878-1939. By James Parkes. (Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press, 15s.) DR. PARKES warns his readers not to expect a full-scale......
The Novelist As Critic
The Living Novel. By V. S. Pritchett. (Chatto and Windus. 8s. 6d.) MR. PRrrarErr, in his preface to this collection of essays on Eng- lish, French,. Italian and Russian......