SIR,—Leslie Adrian's article of December 6 is, I feel, misleading as it gives the impression that colour photography is rather difficult and expensive. In fact it is simple and compared with, say, drinking, smoking or long-playing gramophone records, very cheap. The cost of 35 mm. transparencies finished and mounted is about 1 s. each. From any 35 mm. transparency we make a postcard-size colour print for 2s. 6d. retail. We are currently making many thousands of these colour prints each week. To expose 35 mm. colour film it is necessary to use a rather better instrument than a box camera, but this is not a serious objection. A box camera has an awkward, bulky shape and tends to give a childish appearance to the user. Excellent modern 35 mm. miniature cameras are available at prices from £13 upwards, which is reasonable considering this includes a purchase tax of 60 per cent. Using a camera of this type, exposing a colour film is extremely simple. There is no need for an exposure meter. If the instructions which are included in each carton of colour film are carefully followed it will be found to be one of the easiest operations in photography.—
Ilford Limited, Ilford, Essex Managing Director