20 DECEMBER 1957, page 29

Company Notes

APART from the BP convertible debenture and a few gilt-edged stocks there has been little doing on the Stock Exchange. The market was reasonably pleased with the basis of......

Chess Solution

SIJNYFR. - 4K 1 bb 1 3N1prq 1 6PR 1 QSpr 1 p2N3k I PPIpIPP1 1 1p1PRPIB 1 b3b2b. Position 53 moves before this must have been 6bb 1 pppNpprq I 3pNIPR I 6pr 16k1 1 P4nIp I......

Wanted-a New Monetary Conference

By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT PERSONALLY, I would feel very much 46 . ;, safer at home in north-west Berk- shire if the Heads of Government were meeting in Paris not to discuss the......