A meeting of the members of the Grand Orange Lodge
was held on Thuredisr morning, at the house of the Deputy Grand Master, Lord
Kenyon, in Portman Squaw.. Ali the leaders of the party woo present.
A ballot took place at the India House on Wednesday, on th question whether certain maritime officem of the Company not inriudol in the adopted scale of compermation, should be entitled to pensions or gratuities. A majority dscided in the negative; thus rejecting he
claims, and confirming t',. °lotion of the Court of Directors.
The proceedings bet... the Commission appointed to inquire into the state of mind of Lady Kirkman were closed on Wednesday, alter an ingenious address on behalf of her Ladyship's sanity by Sergeant Talfourd. Commissioner Phillimore summed up the ease; and the Jury, after twenty minutes' consultation, delivered the following verdict- " It is the unanimous opinion of all die gentlemen of the Jury, that the Honourable Anna elaria Firemaurice, commonly called Viscountess Kirkvietl, is of unsound mind, and is incapable of emerging herself and her uffdirs; and that she has been so since the 2etli of December Ism."
It is stated that the cost of this inquiry has been 200 guineas a day ; that the leading counsel received with their le iefs 100 guineas each arid 20 guineas a day, and the juniors 60 guineas fir I() guineas. Mr. Sergeant Wilde was applied to in the first insterre to he nee of the leading counsel; brit he required 1000 guineas as his fee, v hi -h was considered too much.
At a meeting of the Middlesex Maigi.,,trates, on Thursday, Ser- geant Adams, Sergeant Andre-we, and Mr. Haleombe, were proposed arid seconded as candidates for the vacant Chairman. hip. Mr. Roteh was also proposed, but not seconded. The day of election was eiot named.