The Commander-in.Chief has issued a general order expressly pro- hibiting the employment of the military in the collection of tithes or rent, or in the execution of legal......
So, - an election contest, though on a small scale, was got up in Glasgow after all! Mr. George Mills, son of the Provost, was in- duced to become a candidate at the eleventh......
The Ordnance Estimates, For 1636-7, Have Just Been...
exhibit a saving of 32,6101. as compared with those of last year.......
Illifictvant Nut.
The number of applications for admission into the Reform Club increases every day. The second numba, of five hundred, will Le immediately filled. His Royal Highness the Duke of......
Many Of Our Town Readers Continue . O Look With I
r at interest for the drtn3ht of the charter of the Metropolitan University, about to be 1 tid before Parliament. With whatever degree of confidence they may rely on the Liberal......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 14th inst., at Kingston House, Dorset, the Lady of the late Lord SURYIELD, of a son. On the 15th inst., in London, the Right Hon. Viseountess FORBES, of a son. On......
SATURDAY NIGHT. The Paris papers of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, arrived this morning. Late on Monday night, the Court of Peers sentenced Freseirr to the death of a......
Conclusive Evidence Has Been Obtained Against The Men...
the robbery at the Mint-house, near Chipstead, in September last h will be recollected, that a gang of burglars attempted to rob this house, which was inhabited by two maiden......
Lord Aiorpeth Has Fixed The 25th Of March For His
motion on the subject of Irish Tithes. There is a rumour in general circulation in quarters likely to be well acquainted with the fact, that the Duke of ■Vellitigton has......