So,-an election contest, though on a small scale, was got up in Glasgow after all! Mr. George Mills, son of the Provost, was in- duced to become a candidate at the eleventh honr. Ile was supported by discontented and ill-instructed Radicals, and Tories who chuckled over the divisions in the ranks of the Reformers. At the nomination, on Saturday, Provost Mills proposed Lord William Bentinck to the electors, in opposition to his own hopeful son ; whose qualification for the representation of such a place us Glasgow may be guessed at from the followingfine passage in his speech on the hustings- " Cientlemen, if on this sea of political contention I can be as a small and obscure though provident island, whereon shipwrecked mariners, though not hopeless, may get a temporary hinting, I shall consider my purpose served; and though, like that houible island, I may be necessarily left, deserted, perbap, forgotten, I may again be ef service, at some future day, to my fellow citizens, when threatened with foreign intrusion, shipwreck, and danger."
The man or boy who could utter such sort of stuff as pertinent to the occasion, may be a very proper candidate for a prize in the Humanity class, but assuredly he has not yet reached sufficient maturity of judgment for a seat in the Senate. Nevertheless, the show of hands, on the day of nomination, was officially declared to be in favour of this young man !
The polling commenced on Tuesday; but the Reformers could not regard the contest in a serious light. Only a portion of them polled, but sufficient to give Lord William a majority of more than two to one; the numbers being—
For Lord William Bentinck 1995
For Mr. Mills 903
Majority 1092
We shall take an early opportunity of reminding Lord William Ben- tinek of the return he is bound to make to the generous constituent y who, in his absence, and without personal acquaintance, elected him so triumphantly, in full reliaece on his high and unsullied reputation.