ebe Country.
Mr. J. W. Chi/ders, formerly Member for Cambridgeshire, was elected for Melton on the 12th instant; and Colonel Anson for Stokes upon- Trent on the 15th; both without opposition.
Mr. Moorsom retired from the contest at Cockermouth ; and Mr. Horsman, the other Reform candidate, has been returned.
The Leeds Mercury states that Mr. Blackburne has written to one of his constituents at Huddersfield; that "The bill to be introduced by the Melbourne Ministry for the incorporation of the newly enfranchised Parliamentary Boroughs, will extend to those sendieg one Member to Parliament, as well as to those pending two Members ; and that the Council to be chosen under such intended bill will have the power of ad- ministering the watching and lighting, the water, the paving, and all other acts. Mr. Blackburne strongly recommends the inhabitants of Hudderefield not to petition the Crown fur a charter until they see that a general bill is brought in, as the difficulties would be very considerable."
The Town-council of Winchester have elected Mr. C. S. Lefevre, one of the Representatives of the county, High Steward of that borough, in the room of the Marquis of Cbandos, whom they have' displaced.