The Navy Estimates have been published, and show a decrease
of 303,422/. on last year, namely, 10,432,6101. against 10,736,032/. for 1863. The chief decrease is on Vote 10 for naval stores, machinery, and ships built by contract, which is 365,088/., or more than the total decrease. There is also a decrease of 47,304/. on the wages of seamen and marines, and of 112,8671. on the clothing and food of the same, caused by a reduction of the regular force by 500 seamen and officers, 2,000 boys, and of the Coast- guard service by 1,500, men and boys included. How far this re- duction of our naval strength is consistent with that high efficiency which the critical situation of affairs demands we must wait to determine till we hear Lord Clarence Paget's statement.