20 FEBRUARY 1864, page 3

The Manchester Examiner Gives A Curious Bit Of London...

The two sons of Baron Lionel Rothschild, though proposed by Earl Russell and Lord Granville, were within the month both black- balled at Brookes's.......

The Suez Canal Company Are Still Endeavouring To Settle...

, differences with the Viceroy of Egypt. It seems that the Pasha requested them to diminish the number of forced labourers to 6,000, to pay them Is. 8d. a day, to sell him the......

Another Sale Of 300,000/. In Bills Has Been Effected By

the Council of India at previous rates.......

The Revue Des Deux Mendes, Representative Of All In France

that is at once educated and moderate, pronounces, we perceive, in favour of renewing the alliance between England and France in -order to preserve Denmark.......

Of The Chancellor's Livings Ordered Last Session To Be Sold,

37 have been sold, 53 are under negotiation, and 85 have been inquired about. The purchase-money of the 37 livings has been 65,3001., -the majority of the prices offered being......

The Return Of The Bank Of England Shows A Further

increase in the stock of bullion of 111,364/. The amount now held is 13,583,635/. The supply in the Bank of France has declined to about 7,000,000/. The New York Banks hold a......

The Imports Of The Precious Metals Have Been On A

fair average scale, and nearly the whole of them have been disposed of to the Bank of England.......

All Military Resistance To The French In Mexico Appears To

have ceased, the State of Guanaruato having submitted, and it is reported that the voting for the Emperor Maximilian is going on very favourably. Meanwhile the Church party, who......

The Confederate Steamer Tuscaloosa Has Been Seized In...

(26th Dec.) by order of the British Government. She was formerly a Federal vessel named the Conrad, and was seized and -condemned by Captain Semmes, of the Alabama, who made of......

A Case Of Considerable Importance To Shareholders And...

railway companies was tried last week in the Queen's Beuch, Mr. Parsons, chairman of the Hammersmith Railway Company, and another director, purchased the Talbot estate, in the......

The Emperor Of Austria Prorogued The Reichsrath On The 15th

of February, in a speech of which the following is the only note- worthy paragraph :—" In conformity with the vote of the Federal Diet, I have, as a German prince, taken part in......

On Saturday Last Consols Closed At 9 T To 91*

for money, and 01* f for account. Yesterday they left off at 91* I for transfer, and 91* for time.......

Most Of The Continental Exchanges Have Become More...


The Ways And Means Committee Of The Northern House Of

Representatives have proposed that taxes should be imposed upon articles of luxury calculated to produce 70,000,0001. a year. That amount is more than the sum which will be......

Mexican Stock Has Ruled Firm, And Has Touched 42. There

is also a better feeling on the Confederate loan, and the quotation is now 55 to 57. Railway shares have, in many instances, realized enhanced prices.......

Mr. Gladstone Carried The Second Reading Of The Bill...

the manufacture without excise duty of malt for cattle on Mon- day night without a division. The most serious objection raised was that of Mr. Bass, who maintained that the use......

The Demand For Accommodation Is Steady. In The Open Market

the best short bills are now done at 61 per cent. On the Continent money is becoming easier in price.......

Yesterday And On Friday Week The Closing Prices Of The

leading Foreign Securities were :- Friday, FA. 12. Friday, Feb. 19. 214 231 - . • — • 96 32 .. 93 • 13 13 • 70 71 071 .. 69 • • 47 .. 60 Subjoined is a comparison of yesterday's......