Dr. Kenealy appeared in the House of Commons to take
the oaths on Thursday night, and of course there was a ' scene." It has been the unbroken custom of the House for two centuries that a new Member elected during a sitting of Parliament should be presented to the Speaker by two Members, who, as it were, testify to his identity. Dr. Kenealy, however, either disregarded the custom, or could not find two Members to introduce him, and presented himself accompanied only by a fat =bras.. The Speaker reminded him of the custom, and Dr. Kenealy was beginning a speech on the Law of the House of Commons. when he was quietly told that he was not yet a Member, and ordered to withdraw. He withdrew accordingly, and Mr. Disraeli advised that under the circumstances of the case the custom should be suspended on this occasion. Mr. Bright objected that the new Member had not been asked whether he wished for the usual escort, and offered, if Mr. Whalley would be one sponsor, to walk up the floor with the representative of Stoke-upon-Trent, whose acquaintance, however, he was careful to add, he had not yet made. Mr. Disraeli, however, prevailed,
the rules were dispensed with, and Dr. Kenealy took his seat. He did not give notice of any intention to bring in a Bill for the abolition of Courts of Law, but yesterday announced his inten- tion of calling attention to the Tichborne trial on Tuesday, 16th March, and of moving a resolution.