The Times Of Monday Publisls An Interesting Account Of The-
benefite which the Navy will dtrive from the recent Orders in Council providing for the application of the funds of Greenwich Hospital. There was room for iraprovement in that......
The Second Reading Of The Bill For Legalising Marriage With
a deceased wife's sister was moved by the Common Serjeant on Wednesday, discussed after the usual fashion, with the display of the ancient arguments, and rejected by a majority......
The Bishop Of Lincoln (dr. Wordsworth) Is Not Prepared To
recommend his friend, the Vicar of Owston, to resist legal pro- ceedings-taken for• the purpose of getting a tombstone describing a late Wesleyan minister as " Reverend " into......
The Home-rulers In Parliament Are Taking Up This Session The
attitude of injured Moderates, who always speak so respectfully of their opponents that they are bound, in justice to themselves, to exact respect from their opponents.......
A Writer Who Probably Intends His Authorship To Be Easily
recognised, under the well-known signature of " E. P. B.," maintains in the Times of Thursday that there is no excuse for imputing a breach of privilege to Members who only......
The Recall Of Sir B. Pine, Lieutenant-governor Of Natal, Has
enabled Lord Carnarvon to send out an ad interim ad- ministrator, specially Charged to report on the many questions which now press for settlement in that colony. The relation......
The Lord Chancellor Introduced His Bill For The Reform Of
the Patent Laws on Friday week. It is, to speak briefly, a Bill for restricting the too lavish grant of patents, which are now conceded for the most trivial improvements, and......