In the House of Lords, Lord Granville made nearly the
same statement as Mr. Gladstone, though he ventured to fix April 1st for the Ministerial declaration on Ireland ; but the most important incident was Lord Rosebery's declaration as to Greece. The new Foreign Secretary declared that, as regarded Eastern Europe, he accepted the policy of the previous Govern- ment. Greece and Turkey were armed to the teeth, and a rupture between them might produce a war of which the con- sequences would be incalculable. He found on his entry into office engagements with the other Great Powers to prevent that rupture, which he could not break if he would, but which appeared to him wise and right, and he should, there- fore, carry them out. He trusted this would be under- stood, for any idea that England was hesitating might produce most disastrous consequences. It seems to be understood that the combined fleet will compel the Greek ships to retire to their own waters ; but whether the Greek Admiral will obey Europe, or risk the sinking of his fleet, is still uncertain. The Greek Government cannot want to lose its ships ; but it may think that a naval battle would make the Greeks resigned to the failure of their immediate hopes.