News Of The Week.
P ARLIAMENT reassembled on Thursday, and Mr. Glad- stone made a statement as to the course of public business. After mentioning that the Government would accept the Address, and......
In The House Of Lords, Lord Granville Made Nearly The
same statement as Mr. Gladstone, though he ventured to fix April 1st for the Ministerial declaration on Ireland ; but the most important incident was Lord Rosebery's declaration......
Lord Salisbury On Wednesday, At A Banquet Given In London
to the Conservative Members for Hertfordshire, delivered a long and powerful speech on Ireland. He nailed the Con- servative colours to the mast in defence of the Union and of......
The Address Was Voted, And Is Out Of The Way
; but occasion was taken to raise a question the essence of which is contained in a remark by Lord R. Churchill, that no Government had ever taken power without a general......
• * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......
The Next Subject Taken Up Was The Riots In London,
upon which Mr. Childers promised papers. In the course of a long speech, the Home Secretary showed that he had been left with- out information by Sir E. Henderson; that as soon......