The next subject taken up was the riots in London,
upon which Mr. Childers promised papers. In the course of a long speech, the Home Secretary showed that he had been left with- out information by Sir E. Henderson; that as soon as he knew of the danger, he ordered an increase of the police by 600 men, who, being already in training, were at once available, and made full arrangements for calling out the soldiers, with Magis- trates to accompany them ; and that he had not hesitated for a moment as to the prosecution of the instigators. Aware of his own inexperience in the office, he had associated others with him in the necessary inquiries ; but he remained solely respon- sible, and he would announce his decisions next Monday. The speech is exceedingly frank and explicit; and it is obvious from its whole tone that Mr. Childers blames Sir E. Henderson severely, that he thinks Scotland Yard badly organised, and that he is prepared to increase the police. That body requires a sort of" Guard" at its centre always in reserve, and we hope a large portion will be mounted. Mr. Childers admitted that not one mounted policemen was employed on the 8th ; and Lord Wolseley will doubtless have told him what the value of cavalry is in street operations. Fifty mounted police-
men would clear the Strand when five hundred men on foot could not do it.