This letter was answered on February 13th, the following day,
from Ireland by Lord de Vesci, as Chairman of the Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union, in a letter stating the views of those who act with him. They claim to represent all who wish to live peaceably under the law, and they think that the enforcement of the law is the first point, while the settlement of the Land Question is the second, and dominates and includes the question of Home-rule. The real issue at the late elections was not that, but the transfer of the land on too favourable terms to the tenantry. In Lord de Vesci's opinion, the loyal classes are most anxious for a final settlement of the Land Question, and hold that with it would disappear the desire for a larger measure of self-government "than may be extended to England, Wales, and Scotland,"—note the distinction between England and Wales. Finally, he thinks that an assimilation between the laws of England and Ireland is desired by men of both parties, excep- tional laws being only approved on account of the highly critical state of the country. In this answer, it will be seen, the settle- ment of the land is practically raised to the first place in legis- lation, for the "restoration of order" would require the previous expulsion of the Irish Members.