We have received the second volume (Third Series) of The
Expositor. Edited by the Rev. W. Robertson Nicoll, M.A. (Nodder and Stoughton.)—Five papers on the "Revised Version of the Old Testament" by Messrs. Jennings and Lowe, and four by Professor Driver, are among the most important contributions to the present number. Dr. Alexander Maclaren continues his comments on "The Epistle to the Coloesians ;" and Professor Godet (of whom there is an excellent etched portrait by way of frontispiece to the volume) contributes two papers on "The Epistles to the Corinthians."— The Antiquary, a magazine devoted to the study of the past (Elliot Stock), has reached its twelfth volume (completing its sixth year). We wish it prosperity and long life.—The Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, Vol. IX. (Trilbner and Co.)—About half of the present number is occupied by a "Report on Phenomena connected with Theosophy." The report is most distinctly adverse to the genuineness of the alleged phenomena. It is mainly founded on the personal investigations conducted by Mr. Richard Hodgson.— Jubilee Volume of the Statistical Society (E. Stanford), containing an account of the "Jubilee Meeting," held June 22nd and the two following days. The chief contents, besides accounts of the festivities, are the "Presidential Address," by Sir Rawson W. Rawson; Dr. Mowatt's "History of the Statistical Society ;" and M. Levasseur's "La Statisque Graphique," with its very curious and interesting series of illustrations, maps.—The Year's Art, 1886, compiled by Marcus B. Huisb, LL.B. (J. S. Virtue), is the seventh issue of a valuable annual. It is described as "a concise epitome of all matters relating to the arts of painting', sculpture, and architecture" occurring in the year past. Addition; increasing the usefulness of the publication, have been made since the last issue.—The British Pharmacopceia (Spottiswoode and Co.), "published under the General Council of Medical Education and Registration of the United Kingdom."