We have also received The Educational Almanack, 1886. (National Educational
Union.) — It contains a "chronicle of educations/ events," an account of various educational societies, and a number of interesting statistics. Among these last we find some significant figures relating to Board and Voluntary schools. The cost of a child in the former is E3 Is. 10., in the latter, E1 15s. 40. If we restrict the comparison to purely educational expenses, we find that the figures stand £2 6s. 80. and El 15s. 4d. The ad.ninistration of the Board schools costs 5s. 30. per child, and the interest and repayment of loans about 13s.— The Church Worker, Vol. IV. (Church of England Sunday School Institute). — The Church Missionary Glean- r, Vol. XII. (Church Missionary Society).—The Year-Book of the Church of Scotland, with dlmanack, 1886 (Church of Scotland Publication Offloe).—The Catholic Directory, Register, and Almanack
(Barns and Oates).—Letts's Clerical Diary, 1886. —The Railway Almanack and Officials' Directory (McCorquodale and Co.)—Work and Leisure, 1885 (Hatchards), "a magazine devoted to the interests
of women."—The Directory of Building Societies, second issue (W. Rent and Co.)