Sir Benjamin's Bounty. By Emma Marshall. (Nisbet and Co.) —The
" bounty " is a school-prize which certain candidates con- tend for, one of them using unfair means to secure it. We must own that we do not quite realise what these means precisely were. As a matter of fact, copying can hardly tell in a competitive, though it may in a qualifying, examination. And this copying seems to have been mostly done before the examination. These technicalities are always dangerous ground. Generally the story is well told.—From the same publisher we also get The Footsteps of Fortune, by Esmg Stuart, a tale of which the scene is laid partly in a moorland parish, partly in South African gold-fields. We cannot help thinking that Seaton Winkworth got more than he deserved. There is a certain air of unreality about the whole, but it is the work of a skilful pen.