20 FEBRUARY 1897, page 21
Out Of The Workhouse. By Mrs. Herbert Martin. (bentley And
Son.)—This is a good story. The rugged old peasant, Peter Lucas, is a peculiarly well-drawn figure. An ignorant old man, with the narrowest views of life, but hard-headed and......
Current Literature.
On Southern English Roads. By J. J. Riney. (Bentley and Son.)—In this book Mr. Hissey gives an account of a driving- tour made in the summer of 1805. To say that his volume......
Through The Sub-arctic Forest.* Teffs Is An Interesting...
chilly account of an expedition in North-West America, starting from Vancouver's Island, striking inland from Fort Wrangel, exploring the Stikine, Pelly, Yukon, and Kuskokvim......