20 FEBRUARY 1926, Page 19

THE LIGHTING OF MOTOR CARS [To the Editor of the

SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In your issue of December 19th there is an article by a correspondent under the heading of " Motoring Notes," and In reference to the lighting equipment of the modern motor- ear. The hints given are good and should be followed by all drivers, owner or paid. There is one hint, however, which I think can be improved upon, and that is in regard to the cleaning of the commutator and brush gear of the generator. Your correspondent advises polishing the commutator with glass paper. If glass paper is used it should be of the finest quality. Emery paper should on no account be used. Car- borundum paper is properly the only type of paper which can be used without fear of damaging the surface of the coat. mutator or scoring the brushes.—I am, Sir, &c., W. S. bLicLuador.

Millburn House, Ashgill, Lanarkshire.