Miscellaneous Publications
" The town dweller is rapidly becoming the most helpless of living creatures. . . . Our public education makes a mon- strous regiment of clerks in order that it may not miss one......
The British Journal And Photographic Annual. (greenwood....
of interest to photographers for a florin is wonderful value. The publishers send what is known as a " blurb " with the review copy (i.e., ready made reviews) from which we take......
Some Reference Books
Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 1926. (Burke's Peerage, Ltd., 84 Basinghall Street, E.C. 2. £5 5s.)—Really no praise is necessary for this great work except to say that it is......
HIGH LIFE AND LOW LIFE ON the first page of her new novel Miss Royde Smith challenges and excites the reader. He is prepared to make acquaintance with several characters both in......
The South And East African Year Book, 1926. (sampson, Low,
Marston. 5s.)—This is one of the most thorough year-books of the kind. There are 1,000 pages and 64 pages of maps in colour which cannot be too highly commended. For the......
The Other London Galleries (with Twenty-four...
Tabor. (Methuen. 5s.)—This is a sequel to The National Gallery for the Young, and supplies a distinct need. The text is simple but thoroughly sound. In this crowded age we are......
The Annual Charities Register And Digest, 1926....
Co. 8s. 6d.)—Everyone interested in charities, indeed everyone interested in the social welfare of our country (which must include all our readers), should buy and keep this......