20 FEBRUARY 1926, Page 2

In the House of Commons on • Thursday, February -11th,

Sir John Gilmour, in asking for £200,000 to build steel houses in Scotland, explained the Government's scheme. The Scottish -National Housing Company, he said, had formed a subsidiary company, with two Government directors, which would place orders. for -1,000 Weir houses, 500 Cowieson houses and 500 Atholl houses. - The Government would supply the whole of the capital but would take all the net profits from rents and sales. Sites had- been secured in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Clydebank, Greenock and Lanarkshire: 1;200 houses would be built in a very short time. This scheme was in no sense a challenge to the building trade or an attack upon wages ; the building trade would still have 18,000 houses to build out of the 15,000 needed annually in Scotland. The Government had been forced to inter. vene to end a scandal in Scotland, and to set a good example. The choice in the immediate future was between the new steel houses and the Old slum houses.

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