The recent series of fires in country houses has been
remarkable and distressing. Seven country houses have been burned in the last two months. Hagley Hall and Howick House have been followed by Oulton Park and Benacre Hall. The fire at Oulton Park, which belongs to Sir Philip Grey-Egerton, occurred last Sunday. It is sad to have to record that five persons who were trying to save property lost their lives. The loss of works of art was particularly heavy and included pictures by Vandyck, Romney, Lely and Lawrence. The task of dealing with fires at country houses is usually most difficult, and is sometimes impossible, owing to the scarcity of water. Benacre Hall, near Lowestoft, which was burned on Tuesday night, is the home of Sir Thomas Gooch. On the upper floors all the furniture and pictures were destroyed, but elsewhere a good deal was saved.