THE THUNDERING HErtn.-Thousands won thousands of cattle and a little sentiment. Quite nice, if you liked The Covered Wagein well enough to see .its.twirn - DRUSILLA WITH A Mimois.-Swarms of rather unpleasant babies attach themselves to a white-haired old lady.
LiGHTNne.-The film of the play : but no Horace Hodges. . You NEVER KNOW Yotra Luca.-Nicolas "Minsky, a -clever comedian from Russia, is in this picture. - THE LAST WITNESS.-Everg British fihn has a public house 'or the ;Old Bailey in it. This is a British film, not a bad-one.
LECTURES - - Monday, February 22nd.-THE DompriONS.AND:FOREIRT POLICY. !By Professor J. H. Morgan. The first of a course of four Rhodei -,,Lectures, at University College; on Mondays at 5.30 p.m.: _ - Tuesday, February 23rd.-THE 'ABBEY CHURCH : ITS. ROYAL AND MEDIAEVAL TOMBS. By Mr. L. B. Tanner. The second of a series of " illustrated talks " on some of London's histeric
'on Tuesday afternoons at 5.30, in the Great Hall of Westminster School, for the benefit of King,Edward'sBospital Fund,for London.
AdmiSSion 2s. ad.; numbered and reserved -seats 5s; -- Wednesday, February 24th.-5.30. THE STRUCTURE OF THE WORLD:' By the Hod. Bertrand -Russell. One Of d's6riesinfleetiwes on "Problems of Philosophy," at the. London. :University. Club, 21 Gower Street.
Friday, February 25th.-5.0. ROBERT BROWNING. By Mr. E. F. Benson. At _25 Park Lane, W. 1. In aid of the Endowment of the Pttehess of York Maternity Bed at the.B.oyal Free. Hospital. AdMiSsion 7s. Od.. Tickets can be obtained, from Lady Petrie, 5 Cannon Place, Hampstead, N.W. 3.