100 years ago
From the 'Spectator,' 18 February 1871— Mr. Cardwell brought forward his measures for the Reorganization of the Army on Thursday night, and they are unexpectedly satisfactory . . ..We regret deeply that the Government should have foregone such a splendid opportunity of civilizing England by insisting that every lad should undergo one year's military training, and we retain a certain distrust of the arrangements for the Command-in- Chief; but those two points apart, the Secretary at War deserves great credit for his reforms. They are bold, thorough. and comprehensive. The two grand abuses of our system, Purchase, and the power claimed by Lords-Lieutenant of granting commissions in the Militia, are very old abuses, are intertwined with our military history, and are very dear to powerful classes in our population. Mr. Cardwell has struck them both down, and is en- titled therefore to the praise of high official courage.