20 FEBRUARY 1971, page 25

Records And Data Banks

Sir: Hugh Macpherson, in his arti- cle 'A Royal Commission on Sin', evades several important issues. What is a data bank? He does not say. The idea that data bankers will have......

The Gospels And The Professor

Sir: For an historian Professor Trevor-Roper has a curiously haughty attitude towards docu- ments. His review of Dr Dodd's hook on Jesus is so petulant that it fails to situate......

True Socialist Character

Sir: Whilst welcoming your new practice of inviting people of various parties to contribute ar- ticles to the SPECTATOR (we may soon—who knows?—see an article by a socialist),......

Wonderful Noam

Sir: While I have never had much sympathy with the political atti- tudes which colour the editorial stance of the SPECTATOR, I have al- ways, until recently, had consider- able......

Sir: 'this Is Not To Say,' Writes Geoffrey Sampson (6

February) 'that Chomsky's philosophy is merely a by-product of his politics; but the two certainly hang togeth- er.' In the context, this can only be intended as a criticism.......

Human Aggression

Sir: Christopher Booker's funda- mentalist review of Dr Storr's Hu- man Aggression, which would be more suitable for the pages of The Voice of Prophecy, begins with the myth of......


Sir: Can you tell me if your re- viewer Auberon Waugh is jealous of Hunter Davies? Philip Norman The Sunday Times, Thomson House, London wcl......

The Right Of Reply

Sir: Mr Amis has accused me in your columns (30 January) of in- accuracy, illiteracy and incom- petence. Now he goes too far, for in admitting (13 February) that I wrote about......

Strikfeldt Smear

Sir: With his full-blooded enthusi- asm for the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia Commander Edgar Young (13 February) at least con- firms his position as an orthodox......