There was a row in Edinburgh, on Thursday week, between
the students of Edinburgh University and some tradesmen of the town- There was a row in Edinburgh, on Thursday week, between the students of Edinburgh University and some tradesmen of the town- " The affray (says the Scotsman) commenced in a spirit of harmless amuse- ment; but from some cause or tithes which we cannot explain, it had not pro- ceeded far, when, on the part of the students, it assumed a more alarming aspect. From a goodhumoured encounter, they proceeded wantonly and in- discriminately to attack all passers-by, and maliciously to break the windows on the opposite side of the street. At length the Police interfered, 11114 succeeded in apprehending several of the assailants; who subsequently obtained their liberty, however, on the intercession of about fifty other students, who, along with the prisoners, all pledged their words of honour not to resume their warfare. No sooner, however, were the prisoners released, than they, to the amount of about three hundred, met in the quadrangle of the College, and came to a resolution to renew the disturbances on the following day, and to arm themselves with bludgeons and other weapons for the occasion. Accordingly, they met at the College on Friday, and the assault commenced with more fierceness than ever. They ensconced themselves behind the gate of the College, from whence they sent forth an almost unintermitting shower of snow. balls—frequently with stones placed in the heart of them—for hours together ; breaking an immense number of panes of glass in the windows on the opposite side, and severely wounding passengers. A large crowd soon collected, and almost all the shops in the neighbourhood were shut. About three o'clock, the Police) a few of whom, we believe, had been in attendance most of the forenoon) assembled in considerable force ; and, led by the Captain and Lieutenants, made several strong but ineffectual attempts to burst open the northern gate of the College, and disperse the rioters. The struggle between the two parties was at times of the most desperate description. Sticks and batons were freely used on both sides, and several were severely wounded. The Police succeeded in capturing thirty- seven of the students, whom, one by one, they dragged to the, but who were subsequently allowed to get out upon bail. About half-past three, the Lord Provost and Magistrates appeared, aud attempted to restore order by mild and conciliatory measures ; but in vain—the students would not listen to them. His Lordship then drove to the Castle, and brought dawn a detach- ment of the Seventy-ninth Regiment, with muskets and fixed bayonets ; who soon took the College by stun, and somewhat cooled the courage of the assailants. As evening Caine on, the crowd gradually dispersed, and the military then retired to the Castle. During the whole evening, however, the students paraded the streets in the same way as on the preceding evening, with a large crowd at their heels shouting and hallooing. A scuffle occasionally ensued between them and the crowd, and a number of windows were broken in the course of their perambulation ; but no other serious disturbance took place. We understand that the students have agreed to open a subscription among themselves to remunerate such of their number as may be fined by the Magistrates."