A Fare:ral Burletta, %skit The Alarming Title Of Shocking...
is rendered very ainusing by the capital acting of FAIGIEN and KEELEY ; whose opposite qualities, heightened by contrast, combine like vinegar and oil in a a) of to produce a......
East India Shipping.
Arrivuls—None. Sailed—From Gravesend, Jan. 13th. Claudine. Kemp. fur %learns. From Liverpoo , , 1 1 til. for Data% ia.......
An Operetta In One Act, Called The Musician Of Venice,
the music by Signor PILATI, is one of the beat things produced at the St. James's this season. Straitens, a famous musician, who has been obliged to quit Venice for (Nursing off......
The Theatres.
Tire Lost Pleiad has noule some stir in the world before now, and various speculations as to its fate have been indulged in ; but certainly the must palpable, and therefore the......
The Attraction Of Charles Kean At Drury Lane Continues. He
has repeated Lfam/et several times ; and report speaks of sonic improve- ments iu kis later performances, which we are glad to hear of. We hope F01)11 to see him in some other......
The Haysiawket, That By Good Maaagement Has Again Beeome As
popular as it was of yore, closed • long prosperous season—the first of the kind fir several years past—on Monday ; when Wrasmu bad a bumper for his benefit. The legitimate......
Three Versions Of Auber's Opera Le Domino Noir Are Already
ad- vertised, at Covent Garden, the St. James's, and the Olympic. How many managers mean to play in this genie of dominos? The Olympic has got the start ; though, in so doing,......
Money Market.
srece Excnkroa. Flatntr An improvement of f j per cent. in the price of the Public Securities is at tributed, in Stuck Exchange causation, to a favourable change in opinion with......