In the House of Peers last night, Lord Baouatime presented a peti- tion against the coercion of Canada; and took the opportunity of
stating that he left the House before the debate was concluded on Thursday night—by reason of previous indisposition. He waited to hear Lord Melbourne's speech, which contained no reply to his charges against the Government ; and therefore he concluded that no defence could be offered. Lord Brougham then launched a few sar- casms at Lord Glenelg; who, he said, was reported to have said more good things on the occasion of his absence than had ever been imputed to him before. Some of the witticisms imputed to Lnrd Glenelg, Lord Brougham then quoted, beet not correctly.
Lord GI.ENELG denied that he had used the expressions ascribed to
him ; whereupon Lord BROUGHAM observed, that he feared be had been misinformed, and that Lord Glenelg had after all not made the brilliant speech he had given him credit for delivering. Lord MEL- BOURNE gravely lectured Lord Brougham on the impropriety of the course he was taking. His excuse of illness was sufficient ; and hav- ing offered it, Lord Brougham should have been content. It was mos inconvenient that a Member of the House who advanced serious charges against the Government should take his departure before las bad heard all that could be urged in reply. Had Lord Brougham remained in his place on the previous night, there would have beers nts occasion for the renewal of the discussion.
The Dutchess of KENT'S Annuity Bill went through the Com- mittee, and the House adjourned.