Contrary winds have prevented the arrival of vessels from Ame-
rica; consequently no intelligence has been received of the result of the expedition against Grand Brute, where the main body of thaOntidist■ihtkiigents were posted according to the last ac- counts.. it is. rather Immature to talk of the war (such as it was) being ended, until news of the anticipated overthrow of the rebels has been actually received. From private sources, not open to us last week, we learn that had HACKEISZIE marched directly upon Toronto, he would have been well received by a portion of the inhabitants, and might have made himself master of that place with ease. It appears from some additional papers laid before Parliament on Tuesday, that the removal of the troops from Upper Canada was brought about by Sir FRANCIS HEAD in order to create a sensation in England. He perilled the lives and property of the people under his government, to make good his assertion of the insignificance of the disaffected party, and his own wonderful popularity.