20 JANUARY 1900, Page 2

A. dramatic account of the Emperor Francis Joseph's waning to

the Czech leaders is given in Monday's Times. Penalties were recently inflicted by the Minister of War on those Bohemian Army Reservists who at the last annual muster answered the roll-call in Czech instead of in German. Dr. Stransky alluded to this subject in his speech at the Parliamentary Delegations last week, and after a dinner given to the Delegations at the Palace last Saturday, the Emperor, addressing the Czech leader, taxed him with fomenting agitation by his speech, and declared that he was quite capable of baying a state of siege proclaimed if the people did not give way. "In military matters," added the Emperor, I do not tolerate trifling of any kind, and I warn you beforehand that I shall not grant any amnesties." Dr. Stransky endeavoured to defend the Czech point of view, and hinted at regrettable consequences if the feelings of his com- patriots were not considered, but the Emperor's last words were : "I may once more tell you that you must leave the Army alone." According to the Times Viennese correspon- dent, the Emperor has never yet intervened so directly or decisively in lutet nal politics. Hitherto his intervention has been singularly effective, but the present crisis is admittedly acute, and the situation is not improved by the fact that from 1897 to 1899 the famous language ordinance of Count Badeni permitted the official use of the Czech language in Bohemia and Moravia.