The Victoria Nyanza. By Paul Kollman. (swan Sonnenschein...
7s. 6d.)—Whatever the value of the Germans may be for colonisation, they are often excellent travellers. Nothing could be more thorough and painstaking than the account of the......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this /leading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reser red for rerieto tn other forms.] The Problem of South African Unity. By W. Basil Worsfold. (George......
Natal : The Land And Its Story. By Robert Russell.
(J. M. Dent and Co. 28. 6d. net.)—This book was written before the war, its preface bearing date "November, 1899." (The author, we may state, is Superintendent of Education in......
The Downfall Of Spain : Naval History Of The...
War. By H. W. Wilson. With Illustrations. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. 14s.)—These chapters on the battles of Manila and Santiago probably represent the final statement of the......
Egypt And Chaldaea.
Books on Egypt and Cha/daea : (I) Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life ; (2) Egyptian Magic. By E. A. Wallis Budge, of the British Museum. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co. 3s. 6d. each......
Missionary Travels And Researches In Africa. By David...
(Ward, Lock, and Co. 2s.)—The first volume of a reissue of the "Minerva Library." The preface bears the date of October, 1857, the book having been the work of nine months spent......
The Dictionary Of National Biography.
The Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Sidney Lee. Vol. LXI. (Smith, Elder, and Co. 15s. net.)—Nearly two hundred pages of the new volume of The Dictionary of National......