20 JANUARY 1900, Page 24


[Under this /leading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reser red for rerieto tn other forms.]

The Problem of South African Unity. By W. Basil Worsfold. (George Allen. 6d. net.)–Mr. Worafold publishes here a lecture (the concluding one of a series of six) delivered at the Imperial Institute on December 14th last. This is not the place to dismiss questions in South African politics, but we may indicate Mr. Worsfold's conclusions, which are mainly these,—that we are bound, under penalties of a far-reaching kind, to restore our supremacy, and that a lastingly peaceable settlement will not be impossible when the war is over. Here is a quotation from Sir Bartle Frere :—" Any attempt to give back or restore the Boer Republic in the Transvaal must lead to anarchy and failure, and probably, at no distant period, to a vicious imitation of some South American Republic, in which the more uneducated and misguided Boers, dominated by Germans, Hollanders, Irish Home Rulers, and other t uropean Republicans and Socialists, will become a pest to the'whole of South Africa, and a most dangerous fulcrum to any European Power, bent on contesting our naval supremacy, or injuring us in our Colonies." That is like clair- voyance.