Child Life in Colonial Days. By Alice Morse Earle. (Macmillan
and Co. 8s. 6d. net.) - Mrs. Earle continues, with excellent result, her search into the records, printed and painted, of the Colonial—i.e., the pre-Independence—days of the States. This time it is the " children " of the past about whom she tells us. They had an evil time in the early days of the settlements. The mortality among them was "appallingly great,"—but we can say hardly less of what it is in some parts of the Old Country now. As time went on things improved, and Mrs. Earle has a more pleasing story to tell. Her chapters deal successively with the "Dress," the •` Schools," the "School Books," the "Discipline," the "Religious Training," the books, both serious and gay, "Toys," &c. This will be found, as readers who have made acquaintance with Mrs. Earle's work will anticipate, a really delightful volume. The illustrations greatly increase its attrac-
tiveness and value. . .