King Constantine's Government- have accepted the demands of the Allies
without reserve, and Sir Francis Elliot, the British Minis- ter, has returned to Athens after having spent a month on board a ship of war at the Piraeus. It may be assumed that the blockade will remain in force, however, till it is proved that the very slippery Athenian Government mean what they say. They must make the full reparations and apologies demanded for the events of December 1st and 2nd, and must also transfer the troops in Thesaaly without further delay to the Peloponnese, where they will not be able to hover threateningly on the flank of the Allies. Much excitement was caused in Greece by the report that Falkonhayn had mot King Constantine in Thessaly. It seems likely, however, that his name was confused with that of the German Military Attachh, Falkenhausen. The chief points to bear in mind for our guidance are that King Constantine does not really want to yield, and that the imprisoned Venizelists are a charge upon our conscience and our honour.