Then Follows What In Our Opinion Is The Most Vital
as well as an indisputable point in the arraignment of our enemies. We quote it textually:— "If at this moment there be an established historical fact, it is the aggressive will......
There Is More Reality In The Kaiser's Angry Proclamation To
his people, telling them that the Allies have rejected his " honest peace offer " and avowed " their lust for conquest." " Burning indig- nation and holy wrath will," he thinks,......
In Addition To The Note From The Whole Of The
Allies, there is a Belgian Note in which, while endorsing the full Reply, the-Belgian Government express their special gratitude to the Government of the United States for their......
We Have Dealt So Fully Elsewhere With , The American Desire
for a League to Enforce Peace and the answer, that we will here only point out once more that the Reply speaks of " a League to ensure peace," whereas we think we are right in......
A Propos Of Our Remarks Last Week And The Attitude
we took up in regard to Austrian possibilities, there comes a curious rumour vid Switzerland that the Austrian Emperor and the Imperial family generally have been transferring......
The Allies Next Proceed To Meet The Desire Expressed By
Mr. Wilson that the belligerent Powers should define in the full light of day their aims in prosecuting the war. The Allies of course find no difficulty in answering this......
The Allies Go On To Say That They Are Fully
alive to the losses and suffering which the war causes neutrals as well as belligerents, but they cannot hold themselves responsible, since they did not desire or provoke the......
On Friday Week, January 12th, Was Published The Reply Of
the Allies to Mr. Wilson's Note. It is a singularly able document, and, needless to say, is couched in the most courteous terms. After stating with the graces of old-fashioned......
In That Passage The Peace Terms Of The Allies Are
expressed with wonderful completeness and precision. It may interest readers of the Spectator to compare them with our amateur efforts. The only difference between our suggested......
In Reply To The Allies' Note Declining Her Proposal To
talk about peace, Germany issued to the neutrals onJanuary llth &rhetorical Note repudiating all responsibility for the continuation of the war. The Note accused the Allies of a......
We Are Glad, However, To Note, Thoughthere Could Never...
been any real doubt on the subject, that the Allies repudiate in the strongest way the notion that they desire to exterminate or maltreat the German peoples. This paragraph of......
The Eleventh And Concluding Paragraph Shows The Marks Of The
graceful French mould in which the Reply has been cast. We quote it to show that France, whether suffering or at ease, is always neat, tidy, and mannerly :- "United in the......