The week's record on the Western front is a chronicle
of raids, always to the great advantage, on the balance, of the British and French troops. It is very interesting to notice that the Germans, borrowers of other people's ideas as they always are, are imitating the Allies' system of raids. Happily for us, they have not got the knack of the thing. It requires more confidence, and more indi- vidual resource, than they have at their disposal Occasionally they capture a trench, only to be driven out again. But the treLcha seized by British and French are practically always held and used to strengthen our positions. Thursday's papers mention a British advance in the Anore region on a front of six hundred yards. This was characteristic of the recent fighting in that our losses were slight, and those of the Germans in the counter-attack heavy. By manipulations of the barrage we seem to have reached a science of advance in which the attackers lose less than the defenders—a revolution in warfare of excellent omen.